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    • Free Counselling for Study Visa
    • Free Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening Tasks (2 each)
    • 1 Mock Test
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    15 Days

    • Free Counselling for Study Visa
    • 13 Days Practice Material
    • 2 Mock Test
    • Basic Structure
    • 20 Speaking sessions
    7,000.00 4,000.00 Add to cart
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    1 month

    • Free Counselling for Study Visa
    • 26 Days Practice Material
    • 4 Mock Test
    • Templates
    • Strategy Videos
    • 35 Speaking Session
    • Important topics
    • Important Cue Cards
    • Idioms & Phrases
    • Sample Eassy
    • Sample Report
    • Tips & Startegy for Essay
    • Detailed Grammer rules
    • One word Substitution
    • Synonys & Antanyms
    • Vocabulary
    11,000.00 8,000.00 Add to cart
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    2 Months

    • Free Counselling for Study Visa
    • 52 Days Practice Material
    • 8 Mock Test
    • Templates
    • Strategy Videos
    • 65 Speaking Session
    • Important topics
    • Important Cue Cards
    • Idioms & Phrases
    • Sample Eassy
    • Sample Report
    • Tips & Startegy for Essay
    • Detailed Grammer rules
    • One word Substitution
    • Synonys & Antanyms
    • Vocabulary
    21,000.00 12,500.00 Add to cart
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